Monday, 4 November 2013

Subpoena for documents/ AFSA/ ITSA

There is certainly a bright side to everything if you look for it!
For those who believe  in global warming and the gloom that Tim Flannery peddles it will be a comfort for New Zealander's to find the winters will be not so harsh and there will be a longer season for growing crops so not only will they be able to export more food, their population will increase because they may need more slave labor to harvest and Australian can send all the refugees to NZ instead of  Manis Island and Naru.
There also is an extremely bright side to being considered a criminal and charged under S 474.17 of the Criminal Code for exposing systemic corrupt conduct and corruption  in Government Departments.
As  I found the Freedom of Information process   very difficult to t extract information from the Shonky ITSA/ AFSA, Commonwealth Ombudsman , Australian Public Service  Commission and  the Australian Federal police who have  their 2 Agents on the case ,Nuckhly Succar and Nathan Potter  trying to protect and coverup  Systemic  corrupt conduct and corruption in Government Agencies I  am very pleased and delighted that I now can subpoena the documents , by-passing the troublesome FOI Officers
Following is the Subpoena served on ITSA/ AFSA this morning.........

Saturday, 2 November 2013

Symond v Gadens Lawyers Sydney Pty Ltd (No 2)  [2013] NSWSC 1578 .

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

ADFA Skype sex scandal/  S 474 Crimes Act

Considering Daniel and Dylan received no jail time  after  being charged under S 474 of the crimes ACT I am wondering  what sentence a judge would give me  after also being charged  also under S474 of the Crimes Act for exposing Systemic corrupt conduct and corruption by Public servants on the internet.

May God Bless the Australian Federal Police  for trying their best to fuck me over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ADFA Skype sex scandal: Daniel McDonald, Dylan Deblaquiere avoid jail time

Updated 2 hours 13 minutes ago
The two men at the centre of the Australian Defence Force Academy Skype scandal have avoided jail time.
Daniel McDonald, 21, secretly filmed himself having sex with a female cadet and streamed it live to Dylan Deblaquiere, 21, in a nearby dorm room at ADFA in Canberra in 2011.
Earlier this year a jury found the pair guilty of sending offensive material over the internet without consent.
McDonald was also found guilty of an act of indecency.
In sentencing today in the ACT Supreme Court, Acting Justice John Nield rejected jail time, taking into account the men's ages and prospects of rehabilitation.
"Is imprisonment the only appropriate sentence? I have given this question anxious thought. I have wavered between answering yes and no," he said.
Instead he handed McDonald two 12-month good behaviour bonds, to be served concurrently, and Deblaquiere a single 12-month good behaviour bond. He warned they will go to jail if they breach their orders.
"There has been much media attention to these offences and to the trial. General deterrence has been achieved," he said.
Acting Justice Nield noted that while the Skype transmission was non-violent, published only to a limited audience and was not recorded, it was a substantial violation of the victim's right to privacy.
"To engage in sexual activity in a private setting, one expects that sexual activity to be private. No one expects it to be transmitted to the world at large or even close friends," he said.
"[McDonald] acted intentionally and deliberately to degrade her. He broke his word, breached their friendship, exposed her to humiliation and ridicule. His offence falls above the middle of the range of offences of its kind."
While detailing the facts of the case, Acting Justice Nield noted the pair's actions were vulgar and they had not expressed remorse.
"Neither offender said anything to the complainant when what had happened became known to show regret or remorse for what they did," he said.
"Neither stood up in court after the complainant read her victim impact statement to say they regret what they did."

Sunday, 20 October 2013

21.10.2013/ AFP tries for another interview to set me up/ Nuckley Succar AFP
Today Nuckley Succar from the Australian Federal Police sent 2 AFP Officers to my work to ask me to participate in an interview so he could find out my side of the story.
I find this extremely bizarre as Nuckley Succar is required to serve papers on me tomorrow and could have asked me this himself.
Clearly I am now aware that it is the intention of Succar to protect  both corruption and systemic corrupt conduct in Government Departments.  I have on a number of occasions  asked Succar  to investigate my evidence.
       Obviously when the Succar and 6 other AFP officers came to my home  on the 29th May 2013and intimidated me  in an attempt to protect systemic corrupt conduct and corruption by  senior Management at AFSA or ITSA   and the Commonwealth Ombudsman and the Australian Public Service Commission they failed to take into account  my extensive evidence.
On the 3rd June 2013 they came to my work and took me to the loading dock were a woman from the AFP with a big blob of skin hanging from her lip tried to intimidate me once again and told me they could handcuff me an throw me in the cells.
    Everyone is aware of the AFP failing to act in the Noteprinting Australia and the Reserve Bank and also failing to act on the bribery scandal  of Leightons Holding effectively protecting corruption.
          So then why would I  agree to an interview  with a person who has told me on a number of occasions that he intends to prosecute me for exposing  conduct  conduct and corruption on the internet.
Succar must be aware that it is in the public interest to expose this  contrary to his intention to prosecute me for exposing it.
I would not wish to miss the opportunity were I am able to subpoena high level public servants to court and make them accountable for  their behavior
        Where politicians have failed to expose this and others have protected this conduct  I intend to run this like a ROYAL Commission . Any Public Servant who is aware that they have protected corruption or are willingly part of the systemic corrupt conduct which is rife in the Australian Public Service is  welcome to bring along their resignation to court and I will personally email it to the Prime Minister on their behalf

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Complaint to Law Society/ Matthew Osborne( AFSA) giving corrupt Legal advice.

It is clear that the Principal Legal Officer Matthew Osborne is aware he is providing  corrupt Legal advice to AFSA or ITSA.
As with any other solicitor in Australia corrupt Legal advice warrants investigation.
However, at AFSA or ITSA corrupt conduct is so entrenched in this Government department, that it is clear that all senior staff in this department would be aware Matthew Osborne 's legal advice is corrupt and clearly false.
       As with any solicitor or barrister giving such false advice there is clearly consequences.
        As Matthew Osborne has proven himself to be of questionable ethics and therefore unfit to hold a legal position he is to be  referred to the Law Society for participating in systemic corrupt conduct.

Monday, 14 October 2013

Email from Victorian  Office  Gaming and Liquor Regulation/ Re Corrupt Adam Toma

Subject: RE: Adam Toma
Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 13:52:45 +1100

Hi Steven,
You are failing to understand this matter.
Adam Toma was protecting Fraud  at ITSA or AFSA which is a Commonwealth Government Agency.
 The matter with the Australian Federal Police is a separate matter were I exposed him on the internet because the ITSA or AFSA ( Veronique Ingram) was trying to protect this practice
You will be aware Adam Toma was on ITSA or AFSA's Audit Committee which  is a requirement under the Financial Management and Accountability Act. Part of the responsibility of this committee is compliance.
 PART of Adam Toma's responsibility was not to protect fraud.
However Adam Toma was not able to protect fraud alone. He was part of a network were the Principal Legal Officer Matthew Osborne was giving corrupt Legal Advice to Bankruptcy Regulation to coverup systemic corrupt conduct at ITSA or AFSA or by private trustees.
Adam Toma held a responsibility as part of this committee to ensure the Bankruptcy Act was complied with.
 Clearly , the Victorian Government or the Victorian people should  have no public confidence in  Adam Toma.

 You will be aware by  matters already raised by the media in recent weeks  of the failed  actions of the Federal Police in matters of  corruption.
From my conversation with  Nuckhley Succar ) who also goes by a variety of names, Nuckles or Nick  it also appears that it his intention to protect corruption also.
  As you will be aware I will be compiling this email into my file which will clearly demonstrate that this Victorian Government Department  has been made aware that  Adam Toma is corrupt though has failed to act.
Thanking you
Fiona Brown

Subject: Re: Adam Toma
Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2013 18:05:56 +1100

Dear Ms Brown

Thank you for your email below.

I am aware that issues surrounding this matter are being dealt with by the Australian Federal Police (AFP) who, as required, will apprise the VCGLR of any developments.

Please contact the AFP's Federal Agent Nuckhley Succar (02) 9286 4274 if you have any questions.

Regards Steven Loh
Manager, Anti-Corruption and Integrity*
Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation

* Please note I do not work on Wednesdays

49 Elizabeth Street, Richmond, Victoria 3121
ph. 1300 1VCGLR (1300 182 457)
e. |

From:        fiona brown <>
To:        "" <>
Date:        20/09/2013 06:51 PM
Subject:        Adam Toma

To whom it may concern,
I understand you have recently employed Adam Toma to the Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor  Regulation and he is  now the director of Leasing and Approvals

From Adam Toma's  application you will be aware that he was previously Enforcement Manager at ITSA or  newly named AFSA.  This Government Agency is responsible for administering the bankruptcy Act.

As National Enforcement Manager Adam Toma was involved in protecting fraud and serious corrupt  conduct.
He claims he left  ITSA or   AFSA because I exposed  his conduct on the internet. Clearly this is in the Public Interest.
Part of his responsibilities was to ensure Enforcement had an adequate Investigation policy . However  Mr Toma failed to implement this.
Also part of his responsibilities was the Bankruptcy Regulation branch which had no  investigation policy and had been given corrupt advice from Matthew Osborne  Principal Legal Officer on how  to protect fraud.
Therefore a large percentage of complaints  sent to Bankruptcy Regulations were protected by a corrupt  system which Adam Toma was clearly aware of.
He would  have also been  aware that statistics from Enforcement and Regulation  that was compiled in ITSA or AFSA Annual Report  clearly were false and did not reflect the state of decay in this Government department.
I understand that    that  the Victoria Commission for   Gambling and Liquor Licenses undertakes compliance activities to prevent and detect breaches.
In light of the corrupt conduct of Adam Toma  in his previous employment and the requirement that employees of your department he of the highest ethical standard Adam Toma  should not have obtained employment in this sensitive area of the Law.
I recommend that you review Adam Toma's application and any references  you may have received from Veronique Ingram or Matthew Osborne.

Thank You
Fiona Brown

The VCGLR is responsible for gambling and liquor licensing and undertakes compliance activities to prevent and detect breaches, while also informing and educating industry and the general public about regulatory practices and requirements. - See more at:

The VCGLR is responsible for gambling and liquor licensing and undertakes compliance activities to prevent and detect breaches, while also informing and educating industry and the general public about regulatory practices and requirements - See more at:
The VCGLR is responsible for gambling and liquor licensing and undertakes compliance activities to prevent and detect breaches, while also informing and educating industry and the general public about regulatory practices and requirements - See more at:
ATTENTION: This email communication and any attachments contain information which is confidential, the copyright of the Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation and intended only for the addressee.  If you are not the intended recipient of this communication and any attachments, you may not use, disclose, disseminate or copy them or  any part of them.  If you receive this communication in error, please delete the material from all computers, destroy all copies and contact the Commission by phone on 1300 1 VCGLR (1300 182 457) or the sender at the sender's  email address.

Any views expressed in this communication and any attachments are those of the individual sender, except where the sender specifically states them to be the views of the Commission. This
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Friday, 11 October 2013

CRIMES ACT 1900 - SECT 316

Concealing serious indictable offence

316 Concealing serious indictable offence

(1) If a person has committed a serious indictable offence and another person who knows or believes that the offence has been committed and that he or she has information which might be of material assistance in securing the apprehension of the offender or the prosecution or conviction of the offender for it fails without reasonable excuse to bring that information to the attention of a member of the Police Force or other appropriate authority, that other person is liable to imprisonment for 2 years.
(2) A person who solicits, accepts or agrees to accept any benefit for himself or herself or any other person in consideration for doing anything that would be an offence under subsection (1) is liable to imprisonment for 5 years.
(3) It is not an offence against subsection (2) merely to solicit, accept or agree to accept the making good of loss or injury caused by an offence or the making of reasonable compensation for that loss or injury.
(4) A prosecution for an offence against subsection (1) is not to be commenced against a person without the approval of the Attorney General if the knowledge or belief that an offence has been committed was formed or the information referred to in the subsection was obtained by the person in the course of practising or following a profession, calling or vocation prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this subsection.
(5) The regulations may prescribe a profession, calling or vocation as referred to in subsection (4).

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